CCTV Rodent Drain Surveys & Proofing Services
CCTV Drain Rat Investigation & Rat Proofing Services
CCTV Rat Surveys, Rodent Control & Rat Proofing Specialists
CCTV Rodent Drain Inspection Experts
JCS Plumbing & Drainage
JCS Plumbing and Drainage are experts in rodent proofing and CCTV investigations into the increasingly common problem of rats in houses and business premises throughout Lancashire & South Cumbria and beyond.
Rats are very clever, cunning, creatures, however if they get into your property they can cause serious problems if left to rule the roost!
JCS Plumbing and Drainage carry out rat investigation surveys and can stop rats entering your property through the drains and sewers that most rats habitat.
We don't bait or trap rats, we actually find the entry and exit points to were the rats enter properties, we then carry out detailed investigations and reports into the sewer and drainage systems.
We solve the rat problem and not just treat it.
The common rat has a gestation period of 21 Days, why would you just bait and trap them? It just doesn't work..
We solve the problem of rats getting in full stop..!
Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) and the problems they can cause: (Find out more info about the rats HERE)
Rat-borne diseases and parasites represent a significant public health threat and we will stop rodent entry guaranteed.
The Most at risk of rat related diseases Include the following:
Children, Pregnant Women, The Elderly and people Convalescing.
Some of the diseases can be found below and more details on the symptoms related from diseased rats.
> Salmonella - Severe and sometimes fatal food poisoning.
> Tularemia - If bitten by a rat this bacteria can attack your immune system and lungs.
> Leptospirosis - Weil's disease - a notifiable disease, leading to multi-organ failure and death.
> Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis - Viral Meningitis that starts off innocently like the flue.
> Plague - Very rare in this country, but has still been reported.